Building Extraordinary Lives®
Functional supplements and skincare products for total-body optimization
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Enhance your body’s ability to repair and regenerate with clinically proven StemEnhance ULTRA

Improve circulatory function, reduce oxidative stress and support cardiovascular health with PlasmaFlo

Support your body’s natural anti-inflammatory response to increase mobility and function with Cyactiv

Boost your vitality with HydraActiv, a hydration solution featuring Cyactiv and magnesium for optimal recovery
8 Global Patents
9 Clinical Studies
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100,000+ Customers
Get Your Cerule On
Wellness supplements and skincare products for total body optimization.
Why choose Cerule?
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Clinically proven functional supplements
- All-natural anti-aging skincare range
- High-quality customer support
Two capsules.
Twice a day.
Every day.
StemEnhance ULTRA
- Release | Supports the body’s natural release of stem cells.
- Renew | Supports healthy tissue renewal and maintenance.
- Repair | Supports the body’s natural ability to self-heal.
Ultimate Stem Cell Support
StemEnhance ULTRA is the ultimate in stem cell support containing a proprietary blend of highly concentrated extracts including Fucoidan and Cerule’s own, exclusive, patented ingredients, StemEnhance and Mesenkine.
Clinically Tested
StemEnhance ULTRA is a clinically tested blend of two Cerule patented extracts; StemEnhance from AFA and Mesenkine from Spirulina, as well as Fucoïdan (Undaria pinnatifida). These 3 ingredients work in synergy to support the release of your adult stem cells.

Reviews of Our Products
Thanks Cerule!
I love activating our own Stem Cells for fast recovery response, more energy & better brain power.
In just 4 weeks
A few months ago my mother had a major surgery, after just 4 weeks of taking StemEnhance ULTRA, PlasmaFlo and Cyactiv, she experienced an extremely fast recovery for an 87yr old lady.
Cyactiv is my go to when I feel I need that little bit more support is needed, It really made a difference.
Cerule Skin Care
They are incredible products that work wonders when used together. And I love the freshness of their scent!
I love Instant Tensor Serum!
It works wonders and I love how it makes the CC Cream go on nice and smooth.
AFA night cream gives amazing results
I love this reuvenating night cream. It's like youth at your fingertips.
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